The Libertine
The Libertine By Rev. Michael Junkroski Allow me to introduce myself I am called the Libertine I am the scourge of things held sacred, I am feared by kings and queens. I lived—by your count, Many centuries ago But I have returned, For a moment, Once more, To speak to truth And fight the power And, God willing, To inspire you to do even more. I am the Libertine I always speak my mind I have nothing to lose And nothing to fear Because I am guided by love. All the time. I come to you today My friends To convince you of the truth Your freedom is an illusion. Your choices have been made. We have all been turned into puppets On our master’s royal stage. And our masters are the power elite, The 1%, the few, Who have it all And hoard it all, Then give us scraps to chew. In my day this caused revolution. In yours a collective yawn. And I weep And wonder how and when It all could have gone so wrong. My friends and I died fighting For life and liberty An effort I now realize Was as futile as pic...