Monday Meditation
Today I remember that we are all children of God, none deserving death at the hands of another. Today I remember the heinous way we treat each other; the discarded lives of those called to service as a reminder that war is never the answer. Today I remember that I have a choice to make: I can serve the war machine of my government and its corporate overlords, or I can serve God and choose peaceful resistance. I can pretend there is an enemy, or I can hold my neighbor in my arms and shower them with love. Today I remember my grandparents who died fighting against an enemy their parents created. I remember my brothers and sisters fighting against an enemy our parents created. I remember the endless cycle of enemy creation, war, defeat, repeat, and I renew my vow as a follower of Jesus the pacifist, to oppose the cycle of vengeance and grind it to a halt forever by refusing to participate in its systemic evils. Today I remember that enemies only exist when we lie to each other; steal