Fair Food Follow-Up

During our 9am Wired Word discussion yesterday, it was mentioned that a list of vendors supporting the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) Fair Food Program initiatives would be useful. One of the ways we can help is by supporting vendors who have agreed to pay an extra penny per pound of produce. Perhaps more importantly, these vendors are also subject to oversight from a third-party workers’ rights organization.
The Fair Food program is a perfect example of The Sum of Small—the tremendous change that occurs one penny, one person at a time.
Here’s the Fair Food web page that lists partners:
This page has a great slideshow about the implementation of the program:
Ahold Delhaize is one of the largest food retail groups in the world. They are working with other food retailers to create a new, “sustainable retail” model that stocks shelves with locally-sourced goods rather than shipping product all over the country.
Their commitment to the CIW and their Fair Food Program is available in this PDF:
Yesterday, we also discussed the Publix response to the Fair Food Program and their contention that this is a labor dispute. Since Publix negotiates with thousands of vendors, they feel joining the Fair Food Program would set a dangerous and expensive precedent for them. Some of us saw the logic in this; many felt it a poor excuse.
Both the Fair Food partners link and Ahold PDF show that one of the ways vendors are supporting the program is by only purchasing from recognized, participating growers in good standing. To me, this indicates Publix could help by just agreeing to purchase from FFP Certified vendors. But hey, that’s just me.
Thank you all for a terrific two weeks of debate and discussion. I’m feeling more hopeful and better about my own small role in trying to make the world more loving and peaceful. I hope you are, too.
Meditation: God, grant me patience.