Monday Meditation

God of endless wonder and surprise,
fill us with your joy!
Excite our senses
with the sights, sounds, tastes,
and calming touch of your presence.

We need to experience you,
our Lord of resistance.
How else can we overcome
the blathering bullies
trumpeting hate
to an all-too-eager
crowd of lost souls?

Without you, where is hope?

Without you,
how can we the people,
lost souls all,
lead each other to your light?

So we plead to be with you,
only with you,
our love, our light,
our song of life.
We give thanks for you,
our Holy, Loving God
and hold you near,
today and forever.

Hold us near, too,
as we traverse
the slippery and obstacle-strewn
path to a higher level of being;
a greater sense of Universal Consciousness
pervading all things.
This higher state of being
reveals enemies as friends
and turns strangers into family.
Help us journey together,
leaving no person behind.

Unite all people
in love and understanding
through the clarity of mind,
body and soul
that comes from realizing
our Oneness with you.

Wake us up!
We need to experience you because
without you, where is hope?


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