Monday Meditation

Holy, unifyingLove of the Universe.
Glorious God!
Hear our prayers.
Feel our prayers.
We pray for nothing more
then an actual experience of your love.
We also pray for nothing less.

[pause to hear God’s still small voice]

Our faith in you
gives us the confidence
to have faith in humanity.
Through prayer,
we know you
and we also come
to know each other.
When your loving, compassionate energy
is flowing palpably through us,
we can let go.
We can relax.
We can experience you,
and be filled
with the confidence of an unwavering,
unconditional love—
a love we are then called to share with others—

[pause to hear God’s still small voice]

We place our trust in you,
our faithful lover.
We don't pray for specifics,
knowing you don't need
to be micromanaged.
You, the infinite expanse of the universe;
you, the dew on every blade of grass;
you, the majesty of a mountain range,
you the invisible molecules of all creation.
You already know
everything the world needs,
because you already are
everything the world is.

[pause to hear God’s still small voice]

We understand that too often,
we let our Ego pray for us.
Ego asks for things.
Ego is impatient.
Ego is distracted
by the bright and shiny newness
of a materialistic world.

So we come to you
as innocent children,
and simply pray
to feel your presence
invading everything we are,
evaporating our Ego
into the glorious nothingness—
and allness—of  being.

We ask only to feel you within,
freeing our thoughts,
our worries,
our dreams and desires.
In you, we know we are free,
we are listened to,
we are beloved.

We offer our minds, bodies, hearts and souls
in service of your infinite love.
Make your presence known to us
and the people we hold dear.
Heal our brothers and sisters around the world,
both known to us and unknown,
who suffer due to disease, violence,
natural disaster, oppression,
and slavery both corporate and corporeal.
Make your presence known and heal
the broken trust in our world.

Smooth our rough edges,
calm our tongues,
and invigorate us with the love
and deep God-connection
exemplified in Christ Jesus.

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