Monday Meditation
Holy and gracious God, we gather together as followers of Christ, people who believe in his vision of a world filled with one people of love. We strive to be the people who have answered Christ’s call to dream his love-filled world into reality by acting with love, compassion, and grace toward all God’s children. We have learned from Jesus that everyone is a child of God, no matter our skin color, our brain capacity, our gender, our sexual orientation, the language we speak or the religion we espouse. Jesus shows us that we are beings of ultimate and sacrificial love, and that if we act in kind, so too will everyone we meet. We have the power to melt hearts and change minds by simply being who we are called to be: Followers of Jesus who work in his name to bring about the kin-dom of love he so passionately believed in. His is a kin-dom full of paradox that seems to make no sense and defies all logic. Enemies are to be loved, not hated; outcasts are to be embraced, not disregarded or...