The Love Frequency

String Theory is a sort of “theory of everything” that unites both branches of physics—general relativity (which talks about “big things” like planets) and quantum mechanics (which talks about “small things” like atoms and subatomic particles) with one, elegant idea: All physical reality is created by tiny vibrating strings. These strings create different fundamental building blocks depending on their frequency—their musical pitch, in essence.

When we look at matter through an ultra-sensitive microscope, we can see the individual molecules vibrating away. What looks like a solid table or chair to us is, in fact, a bunch of wildly vibrating atoms. This makes sense if we think about what’s happening inside an atom. There’s a nucleus that’s orbited by a proton, a neutron, and an electron. Think about the way the moon orbits the earth and all the planets orbit the sun. That sort of motion is going on inside every single molecule. The stuff around us—and we the people—are composed of trillions and trillions and trillions of these vibrating, singing molecules. So it turns out vibration is the foundation of all matter.

I love string theory not only for its elegance, but also because it implies that everything is created with sound. Everything is music. “In the beginning was the word,” right (John 1:1)? We gain new meaning from that phrase if we think about it in terms of string theory. In the beginning was the word means we are the physical manifestations of a song God is singing. Isn’t that lovely? We are all God songs.

What Christians call “the word” is referred to as Aum in many Eastern cultures. Aum is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe. The concept of Aum or "the word" creating our universe is supported by string theory’s suggestion that these little subatomic "strings" oscillate to form matter.

Now, if you remember your basic physics, you remember that anything in motion creates energy. So even the larger matter created by these incredibly tiny singing strings also transmits an energetic frequency. The ancients called it “the music of the spheres” and there have been entire symphonies written about it.

Of course, this means that humans, too, emit frequencies. In fact, it turns out that we are always broadcasting. It’s an unconscious activity for most of us because it just happens naturally, but we all definitely resonate at a particular frequency. And in truth, the frequency we’re resonating at changes throughout our lives and often throughout the day, depending upon our moods and activities.

We sense the frequencies other people are broadcasting—we feel them more than we hear them, because these frequencies are well beyond the range of human hearing, which is actually quite limited. The more aware of this always around us vibrational energy we become, the more sensitive we become both as receivers and transmitters. We sense each other’s frequencies. This is also something we do quite naturally. Think about the way we describe meeting people. Don’t we often say something like, “that person gives me a bad feeling,” or “I’m picking up good vibes from this person?” We say these things because we intrinsically understand the idea of resonance—that our energies are interacting with each other.

When we get together with another person we create music. Whether the music is harmonious or dissonant depends on the way our energies—our frequencies—combine. It’s all about how we resonate with one another.

It might help to think of each other as piano strings.

When you hit a note on a piano, the string vibrates and sends sound waves out into the air. We hear the piano string as a note, and we feel the air its pushed around us. Importantly though, when one piano string is played, it causes the other strings near it to pick up a bit of that vibration too, so they resonate sympathetically. What we’re hearing when a note on a piano is played is not only that note, but also several notes both above and below it. These are called sympathetic vibrations and the same thing happens when we gather with other people. Whatever frequency we’re resonating at also affects the people around us, and vice-versa.

As we continue to ascend into a greater sense of our spiritual being this year, it’s important to remember the ideas of resonance and sympathetic vibrations. As humans, we too are musical instruments. We are intended to be finely tuned into the God frequency, the frequency of love. This is the example we see in Jesus Christ and Buddha—beings perfectly in tune with the universal harmonic of love.

As human beings, as spiritual beings having a human journey, we are both broadcasters and receivers. We receive frequencies from everyone around us and the world in general—which is why this perpetual news cycle is so damaging. When we constantly receive bad news, we begin to transmit negative energy. We’re tuned into a negative frequency and so transmit the same. But just as we can change the channel on the TV and find something less negative to watch, so too can we change our spiritual channel.

We are created from God’s frequency, and we are created to broadcast God’s love frequency out to the world. We’re always ready to tune back into God’s love frequency. We are made with the capacity to receive God’s love frequency. Is this not the example of Jesus Christ? A human being also fully God? Does not every single story about him show a human being broadcasting a message and lifestyle of complete, unconditional love?

Jesus is meant as an example for the rest of us. That’s the way all of us are made. We’re not supposed to be worshipping at the feet of Jesus. We’re supposed to be acting like him, unconditionally receiving God’s love and broadcasting it back into a world desperately in need of it.

As beings created from the word of God—as God’s love songs, we are capable of constantly receiving a stream of love from God. In truth, we’re always receiving this, because we can never be separated from God. However, we’re pretty good at tuning God out. While practices like reading and prayer help keep us in tune, there are some new developments that come out of string theory that are pretty interesting, too.

One of the ways we can tune ourselves up is by listening to certain frequencies that are being shown to alter our sort of “default” frequency. While these tones are still a matter of great debate in the scientific community, there is mounting evidence that we are extremely sensitive to certain frequencies—that they almost, “reprogram” us.

This makes sense if you think about songs you hear that make you feel good, or sad, or angry. Music generates an emotional response in us not only because it often has moving lyrics, but also because the notes themselves, which are specific frequencies, physically affect our tuning.

We can use this knowledge to be more intentional about tuning into God, especially as we begin to understand the affect specific frequencies have on us mentally, spiritually and physically. I’ve provided a link to a specific frequency that has been undergoing some pretty intensive scientific testing: 528Hz, known as “The Love Frequency.”

This frequency has been shown to create a state of serenity and a sense of cosmic connection in test subjects. I highly recommend that you seek some of these tuning frequencies out and spend an hour or so a few times a week retuning. The more we do this, the quicker the pace of our ascension.

And God knows, this world needs more ascended beings right now.

528 Hz Video:

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