Monday Meditation

God of graceful brilliance,
adjust my eyes
that I might better see you.

Adjust my mind
that I might better understand you.

Adjust my hearing
that I might better listen for you.

Adjust my voice
that I might only speak
encouraging words of comfort.

Adjust my frequency
that I might always tune into your loving energy.

I know I too often get caught up
in the ways of the world.
I pretend I don’t have time for you.
I ignore you when you’re near
and beg for your presence
when you’re far away.

I forget that
you are never far away,
it’s just that I haven’t bothered to
pay you any attention.

So, from now on,
I promise to pay attention.
I won’t take you for granted.
I will acknowledge that
you are my life force,
you are my loving being,
you are my miraculous beginning,
my consciousness-expanding middle,
and my glorious end.

Thank you, Lord,
for walking with me,
for being patient with me,
for nurturing me,
and for pushing me ever forward,
even when I do my best
to swim against your loving current.

In your many names and images, I pray. Amen.

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