Monday Meditation

Gracious God,
you who are
all the wisdom and grace
of existence,
you create through
and for
Before we took this form,
we were in perfect relationship with you.
In this form,
we seek perfect relationship with you.
After this form expires,
as all things do,
we will once again unite
in perfect relationship with you.
When the time comes
for you to take physical form,
we are formed and transformed
until the spark of human birth
graduates us to a new sense of being
and a new sense of love for you.
From the moment of our material birth,
we form connections with our parents,
the doctors and nurses caring for us,
and all the aunts, uncles,
brothers, sisters,
dogs, cats,
and even strangers
who will soon become family.
We are carefully crafted for relationship, Holy One,
from you,
through you,
to all that exists
both seen and unseen.
We celebrate
all the people you have brought into our lives.
For every story, every lesson,
every shared laugh or tear,
we thank you for the deep,
personal connections and bonds
that transcend time and distance.
We give special thanks today
for all those who have mothered us over the years;
for all those nurturing spirits
who bandaged our cuts and bruises when we fell,
who encouraged us in times of self-doubt,
who picked us up and dusted us off
and loved us unconditionally,
no matter how badly
or how often
we totally screwed up.
Thank you to all our moms,
who simply love us for who we are.
Just like you, our non-judgmental
Lord of Love.
For all those who teach us to love,
we praise you.
For those who inspire us to be generous, just and kind,
we thank you.
For those who nurture our relationship with you,
we rejoice.
In all our relationships
may we live the truth of your boundless love for us
by returning that limitless love
to everyone we encounter,
every moment
of every day of our lives.
We pray in the name of Jesus the Christ,
who loves us all without condition,
from before birth to beyond death.