Into the mystic, part 2

Imagine what it might be like to live in a more mystical world. I don’t mean a superstitious world, I mean a world more understanding and accepting of the idea that perhaps there is something more underlying reality than we can understand with our physical senses. In fact, part of the mystical journey is accepting that ineffable feeling that there is something more.

We can sense this mystical truth when we stop and quiet our minds. The famous story about 
Buddha under the Bodhi tree is a perfect example of our ability to connect with the Infinite One. It also reflects the inner conflict faced by anyone on this spiritual trek. Jesus often goes off to be alone for centering time (Luke 5:16, Mark 1:35, etc.) battling his demons the same as Buddha under the Bodhi tree, 500 years earlier. Moses goes to mountains, Noah, and Mohammed go to caves. We all struggle with Mara: desire, hatred, ignorance, the inner demons that keep us separated from the truth of our Oneness with God and each other.

Every spiritual mystic throughout history has understood the importance of time alone with God, the Infinite, Allah, the all of the universe, whatever name we want to give that which we cannot see, touch, taste, hear or smell. We innately understand that there is a conscious cosmic force that is actively pulling us ever closer to realization of Oneness. This realization changes us and changes the world.

One of the Buddhist practices any mystic—Christian, Muslim, Jew or secular humanist, might find useful is the practice of mindfulness. It’s not easy to sit under a tree or by the beach and quiet our mind, but it’s easier than staying in tune throughout the busy day, surrounded by the noise of a distracted and frightened world.

Fear is noisy, and always disconnects us from Oneness.

Mindfulness links our private, quiet meditation practices and everyday life. When we are being mindful, we are more aware of the link between our meditative, tuned-in, connected state and the events that occur throughout our day. It helps us live non-judgmentally, paying close attention to the events of our day—not just living on autopilot while things happen around (and to) us.

Being mindful of our connection to the Infinite One when we’re talking to others, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, working at our desks—whatever we’re doing, helps raise our level of spiritual consciousness. Mindfulness allows us to participate actively in our spiritual evolution.

I believe we are spiritually evolving as a matter of course, just as everything in the universe is naturally physically evolving. However, while we cannot control the rate of our physical evolution (yet), we are tasked to participate in our spiritual evolution. This has been the message of the Buddhas and Jesus’ and Mohammeds throughout history. We are all invited to participate in this spiritual journey that connects us as One. We are responsible to help others awaken to the truth of their inner, God-like, Christ-like, Buddha-like nature.

As more and more of us simply begin this journey to a deeper understanding of reality, we become the only force that can end terror and fear forever. We are becoming a new consciousness for a new world. Buddha called it Nirvana, Jesus, and Mohammed called it God’s Kingdom. It is, ultimately, a world filled with spiritually awake, conscious, mindful people, rather than a world filled with zombies, whose nightmares threaten to extinguish us all. Our spiritual journey is long and arduous, but it is a journey on which we absolutely must persevere.

Prayer: Awaken me, Mystical Force of all creation, and help me awaken others from this long, dark nightmare. Show us and make us the light that banishes Mara from our souls, our minds and our world, now and forever. Amen.

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