Monday Meditation

God of glorious manifestation,
we are eternally thankful
for your constant presence
in our lives.

We are especially thankful
for the way you provide us
hope for tomorrow;
for the enjoyment of friends;
the joy of families;
the wonders of universes
too numerous to fathom;
for those who have gone before us;
love from our parents, sisters and brothers;
love from our spouses and children;
our faith and our church.

[pause and make space for the quiet presence of God]

In the quietness of this moment,
matchless God,
speak to our hearts.
We long to know you
completely and fully,
so we might be carriers
of light and love to the world.
Give us the vision and faith
we so desperately yearn for
to trust your greatness
and know,
beyond doubt,
that we are One.

[pause and make space for the quiet presence of God]

Human words and thoughts
cannot explain you,
fully understand you or limit you,
but we strive to understand
our understanding,
and then we say in faith,
"We believe."

Honor us in 
our attempts
to share your love,
to spread your compassion,
to notify people of your presence
in our world and our lives,
so that all of us
might find the peace,
and love
that comes from
even the first small steps
toward your loving embrace.

We offer our prayers
for all the people of the world.
We pray for those we too often forget:
people who have lost hope,
those who mourn,
those who suffer because of war,
those who are lonely or sick,
those who go hungry.

[pause and make space for the quiet presence of God]

God of grace,
remind us that
we are all your children,
brothers and sisters,
co-heirs with Jesus the Christ.

Help us die
to the ways of the world
by obliterating the dark demons
of our minds
that cause us to doubt,
to lash out at each other,
to see otherness
rather than wholeness,
and that ultimately
keep us distant from you.

For it is only by dying
to our fears
that we can be
resurrected in,
and as, your love.

In your many names we pray, Amen.

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