Monday Meditation

Dearest and most Holy God,
it is almost impossible
for us to describe
our deep and abiding
love for you.

Our hearts burst
when we think about you.
When we are faithfully
tuned into your presence,
we act like schoolchildren
whose first crush
fills every waking thought
and every lucid dream.

You make us giddy, sweet God.

[pause and feel God vibrating throughout your being]

We long to be with you
every moment,
daydreaming of you,
yet so often never really
touching you,
never acutely aware of your nearness.

We often grow frustrated
because we yearn for your presence,
and fail to realize
you are already right here with us,
as near as our own breath.
We forget that you
constantly smile at us
and through us,
from within our hearts
and the glistening eyes of others.

If we could only remember
to pause from our busy lives
and allow your smile
to break through the
walls we build around ourselves;
if we could only remember
to smile your sweet smile
at everyone we meet,
then we would feel you
pulsing through us,
and see you
smiling back at us
from everyone,

[pause and feel God vibrating throughout your being]

Awaken us to
the restoring presence of your love.
Resurrect our faith
in our leaders,
our governments,
our economic
and social systems.
Resurrect our faith in humanity, Lord,
as we do our best
to simply retain hope
in a world seemingly gone
and utterly

Remind us that
the Easter season
is a time for all people
to reflect deeply on you
as a powerful force of love
in our lives
and in our world.

We are the embodiment of
your spirit,
created perfectly
as sojourners
in this physical world.
We do our best
to think ourselves
separate from you,
but through the resurrection
of Jesus the Christ,
we see and are assured that
you never consider yourself
separate from us.

[pause and feel God vibrating throughout your being]

Put our hearts at ease
and our minds at rest,
God in whom we find
the ultimate respite.

Give us unwavering faith
that every roadblock in life,
every mountain we must climb,
every death and every birth,
are all parts of our journey
from you,
through you,
and ultimately,
back to you.

For we all return
from whence we came:
to your eternally loving,
unconditionally accepting embrace.

We pray in the name of the One
who show us the way
back to your loving arms,
Jesus the Christ.

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